TUESDAY: we met the nicest jehovahs witness. she said she had studied with mormons before and she said that she really liked most of what we believed except the plan of salvation. she was s sweet woman, oh norma. i studied a lot about the importance of the temple and i wanted to see if i could reverence it this time. We do the same thing in the temple each time we go and i wanted to make sure i make it spiritual experience every time. I am so very excited about going to the temple! I got myself a georgia bulldogs sweatshirt...i love it so much. We went to the odells and they have these cool books about themselves for their kids to have. i am going to do that for my kids... my kids will know me better than myself! :P
WEDNESDAY: it was pouring rain but i didnt even care because TEMPLE. we got there late because everyone here tends to drive 20 below the speed limit when it rains...its redonk. I was able to feel the spirit so strongly in the temple. I was grinning from ear to ear doing the endowment session for a sweet sister from minnesota. i felt an overwhelming sense of relief going into the celestial room. It was so peaceful and exactly what i needed. I was then privileged to witness my friend elder dimanche be sealed to his parents. I was so honored and thrilled to be apart of something so special! I couldnt help but cry. I had seen what it takes to have an eternal family and that is all i wanted in that moment right then. I wanted to badly to fly my family out right that second and get sealed! I am so grateful for the temple and the power of the priesthood. I was on a spiritual high for the next 3 days after we went to the temple. Zone conference was more informative than spiritual....so that was kind of a bummer.
THURSDAY: PLANNING. PIE NIGHT. BUFFALOS w/ sister corona! We went finding with kate and we chalked it up at the park and that was really fun!
FRIDAY: DINNER AT THE SAMUEL HOUSE W/ SOOO MANY PEOPLE. saw lots of members and invited them to do missionary work and to try and remember the last time they had a spiritual experience and because of that what did they change since then?
SATURDAY: Twas a chilly day.
Sunday: Sister oliphant taught a stellar lesson on letting our light shine based off of president monsons talk. i would invite you to read it and strive to have the light of christ show in your countenance ALWAYS.
I love this work. I am so grateful for the countless missionaries who decided to serve because I am touched by their incredible testimonies and spirit. I am becoming the person heavenly father intended for me to become...that doesnt mean i dont slip up at times. I am still very well imperfect. I use the atonement in my life more than i ever have and i am blessed because of it. I am thankful for my savior jesus christ and the love that he so willingly has shown each and everyone of us. Live in thanksgiving daily. Have a grateful heart always and remember the many blessings that he has bestowed upon you and your family. Happy thanksgiving. One of my favorite scriptures is Alma 34:38 "That ye contend no more against the Holy Ghost, but that ye receive it, and take upon you the name of Christ; that ye humble yourselves even to the dust, and worshipGod, in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth; and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you."
sister russell